Rongoaa & Edible Natives

Kia niwha te ngaakau ki ngaa mahi whakaora taangata Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus […]

Watercress Plantations

Ngāti Koroki Kahukura

The Watercress plantations consists of a small, gentle flowing stream running along the southern edge of the paddock (road edge), carrying towards the Waikato River trail and ultimately making its way to the Waikato River. There is an abundance of watercress plantations, used to supply whaanau and poukai through the year. Water cress – from […]

Papakaainga Development

“Maaku anoo hei hanga i tooku nei whare Ko ngaa pou o roto he mahoe he patatee, ko te taahuuhuu, he hiinau Ngaa tamariki o roto me whakatupu ki te hua o te rengarenga Me whakapakari ki te hua o te kawariki” Ngaati Korokī-Kahukura affirms our intrinsic knowledge bases and capabilities as tangata whenua to […]

Maara Kai – Food Sovereighnty

Ngāti Koroki Kahukura

”He kai e too, e kai e hauhake kia manaakitia te iwi” Utilising the management and sustainability of the Ngaati Koroki Kahukura watercress and tuna projects to provide these food resources for our whaanau at hui and specifically for Poukai happening at Poohara and Maungatautari maraeThis will be subject to the Maaramataka/seasons e.g. watercress flower […]

Fresh Water Koura

Ngāti Koroki Kahukura

Establish and maintain healthy environments Maatauranga Taiao/Maatauranga Maaori – Understanding Science 1. Ngaati Koroki Kahukura will learn how best to restore koura in the rohe of Ngaati Koroki Kahukura2. Ngaati Koroki Kahukura will lead the restoration of all koura in the rohe of Ngaati Koroki Kahukura Maranga mai – Restoring our Knowledge, Ngaati Koroki Kahukura will: 1. Fully […]

Tuna Restoration

Ngāti Koroki Kahukura

”Titiro whakakatau atu, ko Maungatautari, Ko Ngaati Koroki, Ko Arapuni raa, te rohe o te tuna e…’’ This tongikura embodies and signifies the importance of Tuna, freshwater fisheries and surrounding ancestral lands and waters as the pivotal identity anchor of the people of Ngaati Korokī-Kahukura. We work in a collaborative responsive way to address critical […]

Wetland Restoration

Ngāti Koroki Kahukura

”Maataingia te hora o te whenua, he whenua ora” “We are a river iwi. Our relationship with our awa tupuna (ancestral river) has developed over centuries. Ngaati Koroki Kahukura continues to exercise the customary rights and responsibilities of kaitiakitanga over the Waikato River from Karaapiro through to Arapuni. As a kaitiaki of our ancestral river, […]

Maanuka Plantations

Kua takoto te maanuka, kawea ake! The Ministry for Primary Industries has clear interest in science and research-led programmes to support the potential of Maanuka honey as a ‘premium product’ and a ‘high-value export for New Zealand’. Along with leading crown entities, government agencies, and iwi, the current challenge is to meet national and international […]


beekeeping at poohara

Kia tuupato kei werohia koe e te honi In 2017 our whaanau at Poohara committed to beekeeping training and apiary development on our lands. This is a first for the iwi, our own beekeepers fully accredited and owning and operating small apriary sites to be developed over the next 2 years.  Current Beekeepers Wiki Papa […]