Watercress Plantations

Watercress Plantations

The Watercress plantations consists of a small, gentle flowing stream running along the southern edge of the paddock (road edge), carrying towards the Waikato River trail and ultimately making its way to the Waikato River. There is an abundance of watercress plantations, used to supply whaanau and poukai through the year.

Water cress – from seeding to harvesting and is various uses including the best irrigation system.

Ngāti Koroki Kahukura

Routine Tasks

Kaitiaki observe, manage and sustainably harvest the watercress in Arapuni stream, Waikato pond and Pukekura A

  • Provide updates on pond activities 
  • Document and record relevant details within a simple data base, recording all work undertaken by taking a photo before and after all work undertaken.
  • Clearing all weeds 
  • Assisting to fence off the water cress area where required (particularly Arapuni stream)
  • Being present when any earthworks/digging is done.
  • Continual harvesting of the watercress so that there is a sustainable supply; in the Arapuni stream, Waikato pond for Poohara and Maungatautari people, events at both Paa and Te Manawa o Matariki hui, and harvest Pukekura A for Maungatautari marae and other events as determined by Johnson Raumati