Papakaainga Development

Papakaainga Development

"Maaku anoo hei hanga i tooku nei whare Ko ngaa pou o roto he mahoe he patatee, ko te taahuuhuu, he hiinau Ngaa tamariki o roto me whakatupu ki te hua o te rengarenga Me whakapakari ki te hua o te kawariki"

Ngaati Korokī-Kahukura affirms our intrinsic knowledge bases and capabilities as tangata whenua to determine, design and deliver affordable housing solutions to meet the needs and aspirations of our whānau and community. Creating collective, open and inviting environments and housing solutions that are; future-focussed, at the cutting edge of development, architecturally fit for purpose, and supporting whaanau-centred community wellness aspirations including the promotion of Te Reo me oona tikanga.


Commercial and non-commercial assets within Manawanui Development Limited Partnership (MDLP) and Ngāti Koroki-Kahukura iwi centre a pioneering and solutions-focussed approach to meeting the increasing demand for housing within Ngāti Koroki-Kahukura tribal lands. Our Papakaenga Development initiatives invests in current interests and lands to be inclusive of one housing trial across multiple sites and extends opportunities and pathways for whānau to engage in small business enterprise and manaaki whenua initiatives available.

”Beyond the overall home-ownership ideal, the opportunities within the iwi to engage in land and environmental restoration work, with additional business and enterprise opportunities, makes our papakaenga initiative more than a home for whaanau. It places and centres the wider connection of whānau to hapū, to iwi, and to marae.”

Pathways Forward

Kia mau ki te whenua, hei papakaainga moo ake tonu

This tongi of King Tawhiao urges Māori to hold onto their land so that they will always have a place to call home.  

Concept and Plan

To support new and affordable housing solutions across different sites within Ngaati Korokī-Kahukura lands, supporting three different variations of home-ownership opportunities within the one trial to reflect the diverse needs and whānau living aspirations. All sites are accessible, have infrastructure, and are ready to establish and can cater to small and large housing establishments.


There are many barriers to home ownership for Maaori, including access to resources, household income, rising house prices, location and suitability. Our papakaenga model supports affordable and sustainable housing options by (i) providing three sites with different land title tenures capturing a range of whānau circumstances (ii) capital investment by MDLP through freehold land title (iii) establishing suitable and affordable funding and investment streams that are understandable and accessible through ongoing support and mentoring, either through utilising the Kainga Whenua Loans, using existing mortgage capital or Welcome and Choices home loan packages and (iv) collective buying power options with our own Ngaati Korokī-Kahukura builders and trades allowing reduced traditional upfront new build costs.


Build Options

There are a range of new and affordable housing options including the exploration of bamboo kitset style homes which are available and sourced locally in the Waikato region, whare uku homes, and eco-sourced mixed method timber and concrete homes. We further wish to ensure that whaanau of Ngaati Koroki-Kahukura who are experienced and well-established trades are provided an opportunity to tender for contracting and supporting home building and development. This provides another layer of connection and opportunity for whānau to engage in the process for papakaaenga development.


If you would like to be involved in our Papakaenga Development initiatives please contact:

Tammy Tauroa: This Kaupapa is also supported through workshops and information sessions led by Poppy Ranga.