This tongikura embodies and signifies the importance of Tuna, freshwater fisheries and surrounding ancestral lands and waters as the pivotal identity anchor of the people of Ngaati Korokī-Kahukura. We work in a collaborative responsive way to address critical freshwater fisheries challenges, enacting the kaitiakitanga responsibility of our iwi Ngaati Korokī-Kahukura to enhance and restore the mauri of waterways and puna.
We recognise that our intent to share and gather new knowledge is central to a number of our neighbouring iwi, whānau and hapū, and we work in partnership to enact our common goals and aspirations for Tuna and Freshwater Koura Restoration.
Maatauranga Taiao/Maatauranga Maaori – Understanding Science
1. Ngaati Koroki Kahukura will learn how best to restore koura in the rohe of Ngaati Koroki Kahukura
2. Ngaati Koroki Kahukura will lead the restoration of all koura in the rohe of Ngaati Koroki Kahukura
Maranga mai – Restoring our Knowledge, Ngaati Koroki Kahukura will:
1. Fully understand the life cycle of the koura and how we can assist with this life cycle
2. Renew the knowledge of how Ngaati Koroki Kahukura catches koura
3. Renew the knowledge of different sites and different ways of preparing koura for
Manaakitanga – Hospitality
1. Ngaati Koroki Kahukura will sustainably maintain customary koura harvesting for whaanau, marae and key Iwi events.
2. Ngaati Koroki Kahukura will share the total koura experience in any Ngaati Koroki Kahukura tourism initiative.