Wiki Papa

Wiki Papa

Iwi Environmental Scientist / Kaitiaki / Mentor

Wiki is a a Research Leader and Scientist from within the Iwi of Ngāti Koroki Kahukura. Wiki has extensive experience in restoration practice and is grounded strongly in iwi and science contexts. Wiki has recently established a significant body of work that captures knowledge and taonga species on Maungatautari. 

Wiki is the Director of Toataiao Limited and is committed to the revitalisation and restoration of the taiao. She has worked and published extensively and recent citations include;

Ngāti Koroki Kahukura

Whaanga, H., Papa, W., Wehi, P., & Roa, T. (2013). The use of the Māori language in species nomenclature. Journal of Marine and Island Cultures, 2, 78-84. Retrieved from

Whaanga, H., Papa, W., Seed, J., Wehi, P., & Roa, T. (2013). Towards a culturally-sensitive approach to the naming of new species. In Symposium: Island biocultural diversity and traditional ecological knowledge – Joint British Ecological Society Conference and 11th INTECOL Congress: Into the Next 100 Years (four yearly meeting). Conference held at London, UK.

Whaanga, H., Papa, W., Wehi, P., & Roa, T. (2013). A code of practice for naming new species in Aotearoa. Poster session presented at the meeting of Australasian Wildlife Management Conference. Conference held at Massey University Palmerston North. Retrieved from

Whaanga, H., Roa, T., Seed, J., Papa, W., Thompson, K., & Haereroa, B. (2012). Exploring a Māori classificatory system of flora and fauna. Final report for Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga. Hamilton, New Zealand: SMPD, University of Waikato.

Papa, J. W., Roa, T., & Karapu, R. (2009). He Kauwhanga Koiora: A tracking of the process in the setting up of a Tainui Māori Reference Group with NIWA in the taxonomy of newly discovered species. Hamilton, New Zealand: University of Waikato.